IMOA/Memphis 2025 Mercurys, Memphis, Memories & Music
Edge Motor Museum
IMOA/Memphis 2025
Mercurys, Memphis, Memories & Music
ALL Mercury owners and enthusiasts are welcome at this event, no matter the age of their car.
IMOA’s National Show, October 8–11 2025
You do not have to be an IMOA member to register.
Participant’s (and spouse’s) name
Address ______________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State _____ Zip______________
# of people attending______
Day Phone ____________________Eve Phone______________________
E-mail________________________ Cell Phone______________________
Vehicle 1 Judged: Yes____ No__ Year _______ Model _______________
Style _________ Modifications_______________________________
Vehicle 2 Judged: Yes____ No___ Year ________ Model______________
Style_______ Modifications__________________________________________
Dash plaques are for pre-registered vehicles only
Model=Custom, Monterey, Montclair, Park Lane, Comet, Cougar, etc.
Style = coupe, convertible, 2 door, 4 door, hardtop, sedan, station wagon, etc.
Modifications= Changes that have made your car different from the factory stock version it represents.
Vehicle 1 (one car included with registration fee)
Vehicle 2 ($50 additional for each add’l vehicle)
All Mercury vehicles can be entered for judging. All cars are
eligible for participant’s choice awards and we encourage you to bring your Mercury.
Vehicles cannot be entered for judging after September 5, 2025.
You Must Register for the IMOA Show Before You Make Hotel Reservations!
Hotel Reservations: Special IMOA Rates: Single or Double Rate $ 139.00 per night+ taxes.
Hotel:TownPlace Suites, Memphis Southaven
Address: 7191Sleepy Hollow, Southaven, MS 38671
Phone: (662)548-3100
When making your reservations, either online or calling, state that you are with the IMOA.
International Mercury Owners Association Car Show IMOA 2025
Link to reservations:
The Block Room Pricing is also available for 3 days Pre & Post Show.
Trailer parking at the motel is minimal, so first come first served.
IMOA Show Registration Fee: $50, Additional cars are $50 each
# Attending_____
Car Show Will Be Held at the Edge Motor Museum
Address: 645 Marshall Ave, Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: (901)441-2277
IMOA will be part of Edge Motor show. If IMOA members want to participate in their show it will cost an additional $20, which is a donation to the Museum. Pay as you go
T-shirts (2025 show) – Specify quantity and size M, L, XL, 2X,3X
Quantity_________ Size_________
T-shirts will be picked up at the Hotel Registration or at the Show.
Additional T-shirt) Qty_____ $17.00 @ Total$_________Include in Total Due
I accept and assume full liability for any injury or loss to me or my property, agents, or employees at any time and
from any cause on the premises of the show. I expressly release the International Mercury Owners Association
and its agents or employees from any liability for such loss or injury and agree to provide and pay for my own
Signature ____________________________________________________________
We are pleased to accept___ American Express ___Discover___ MasterCard___ Visa
Please complete the information below:
Account Number
Security Code_____ Expiration date month and year___________
Cardholder Signature ______________________________________
Return this form with your payment to: The International Mercury Owners Association, P.O. Box 1245,
Northbrook, IL 60065-1245, If you have any questions, contact Kathy & Jerry Orcutt 219-363-8366 for judging, for show Don Culling 847-722-5318 or Jerry Robbin at 847-997-8624
Watch the upcoming Quicksilver for details on show schedule. Below is a tentative schedule. Everyone will pay for his/her lunch, dinner, and museum admission.
Thursday 10/9/25
Leave 9:30 “Stax Museum of American Soul Music”
926 E. McLemore Ave. Memphis TN
Tel. 901-261-633
(Parking lot behind Museum)
# Attending_____ Senior admission $12.00 per person Pay as you go
Meet at 2:00 Memphis Rock and Soul Museum
191 Beal Street Memphis, TN
Tel. 901-205-2533
Attending ____ Admission $14.00 per person Pay as you go
Friday 10/10/25
Leave: 9:30 Graceland – Home of Elvis
This will be a whole day excursion. There are 4 Museums, the “Lisa Marie” aircraft, and Elvis’ home and gardens open for viewing. There is a shopping venue and Vernon’s BBQ restaurant on the property.
Parking is across the street from Elvis’ house
#Attending______ Admission $84.00 per person Pay as you go
SATURDAY: October 11,2025
The Car Show Will Be Held at Edge Motor Museum.
There will be food trucks and live music.
Address: 645 Marshall Ave, Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: (901) 441-2277
#Attending______ Pay as you go
After the show join your IMOA family at 4:00pm for a casual dinner at Golden Corral, 98 Goodman Road, Horn Lake, MS 3637
# attending_________
Each member will be responsible for the cost of their meals plus tax and tip. Pay as you go
8-10 AM IMOA Registration at show site Parking lot
8:00 AM IMOA Show Field opens.
9.30AM Judges Meeting on Show Field
10:00 AM IMOA judging begins. 2:00 PM Presentation of IMOA Awards.
Sunday: October 12th Farewell until next year’s show!
Pay as you go=Members will pay for admissions and or food at event or restaurant locations
At Museums and events, we are going to you should ask for Senior Discount. If you’re a AAA Member ask for their discount.
Senior Citizen and AAA discount of 6% on all Graceland Tours.