I have bought the correct outside mirrors for my 1950 4-door Merc (from Shoebox Central). What is the exact correct placement of these mirrors? I am grateful both for description and photos (photos can be sent to audun.koipperstad@hotmail.com ). Thanks a lot!, greetings from Norway, Audun.
Sorry; correct email is audun.kopperstad@hotmail.com
Suggest you look on ebay at 1950 Mercurys for sale. There are several good photos of the mirror location on some of these cars. I do not know for sure what a ’50 Mercs mirrors look like so am not sure which mirrors you have. Part of the issue with these Mercs is that so many are customized that mirror type and location has become somewhat arbitrary.
Thanks a lot for your answer! My new mirrors:
I have seen many pictures
, but what I’m looking for is the original placement – if it exsists.
After looking at your mirrors and the pictures on ebay I would say the mirrors mount on the door under the vent window. If you do locate them in that spot be sure the vent window can function normally. I do not know for sure but am guessing the exterior mirrors might have been a dealer installed item as outside mirrors were not required by the government in 1950. Unless there was a template for their location it could have varied dealer to dealer.
Thank you very much!! I wanted to be 100% sure before I make holes in the car body. I guess Your theory that outside mirrors have been installed by the dealers is correct, and explains my impression that even original mirrors seem to have been placed somewhat differently, for instance some over the chrome list and others below.