am in need of a vacuum diagram for a 65 mercury park lane convertible, 390 engine
What is the problem ? There is no specific diagram for the vacuum system . It is just shown in each section .I have several 65 manuals I can check , if you can state the problem .
the vacuum controls for heater doors have been wired shut and vacuum lines are missing, I have a factory repair manual but it does not contain a vacuum diagram.
thanks for your replys
You are correct there are no diagrams . The best they have is a couple paragraphs on 16-9 and a chart on 16-10 . If you don’t have air it should be possible to get a heater control from a Merc without the vacuum setup . They are run by Bowden cables . My 65 Parklane is set up that way . If not it may be replace the vacuum hoses and proceed by trial an error . I also had another 65 Parklane that was set up like you are describing and it seemed like a never ending quest to track down vacuum leaks . Hoses get dry and brittle , more than likely thats why they are missing . Also make sure and check heater core before you get to far . Good Luck