Wayne & Judy Miller
Forum Replies Created
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantI live near a Ford & Mercury & Lincoln junkyard that I need to visit soon , I can keep my eyes open for one . Not sure the AC makes a difference . I can check my manual and my own 65 Parklane and make sure it is correct . Give me a week or two and I will get their . How much were you willing to spend and where does it need to go to. mrmerc1965
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantIf I am not mistaken , that should be the same manifold that is on a 390 . Your casting # shows that it was originally for a 63 engine . In 63 the 390 would have been the only engine that this # would work on .
These are readily available on ebay . The left side is much easier to find than the right as the right side tended to crack. Should be in the $100 range .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantThis is straight from the shop manual .
From behind the instrument cluster, disconnect the wires from the flasher unit terminals and pull the flasher from the retaining clip. Observe the cover of the flasher. Be Certain To Replace It With A New Flasher With The Same Color Code And Number On The Cover .
The flasher is hard to see but it is on the backside up under the dash . Lay on your back with a flashlight you should spot it . It will be round and in a clip .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantI recently bought a full set of keys and locks on ebay for my 63 Meteor and they worked fine . Any lock set from 61-64 should work . They were pretty much the same as long as the backsides were the same . Size of car should not matter .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantJust go to ebaymotors , put in 1966 mercury manuals . Numerous options should come up . Price somewhere in the $30 – $40 range . Good Luck
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantDo not store the car with the top down . I suggest taking the car out , put the top up in the hot sun and let it warm up and stretch out . Things should work alot better then . Top has probably shrunk and pulled the frame to tight .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantYou are correct there are no diagrams . The best they have is a couple paragraphs on 16-9 and a chart on 16-10 . If you don’t have air it should be possible to get a heater control from a Merc without the vacuum setup . They are run by Bowden cables . My 65 Parklane is set up that way . If not it may be replace the vacuum hoses and proceed by trial an error . I also had another 65 Parklane that was set up like you are describing and it seemed like a never ending quest to track down vacuum leaks . Hoses get dry and brittle , more than likely thats why they are missing . Also make sure and check heater core before you get to far . Good Luck
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantHad similar problem with burning oil and oil being blown out onto the engine . It turned out to be a defective oil breather cap . Hope this helps .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantWhat is the problem ? There is no specific diagram for the vacuum system . It is just shown in each section .I have several 65 manuals I can check , if you can state the problem .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipant3/4 to an inch is appropiate , put on radials as the ride is so much smoother and no one cares if they are correct or not .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantIs the wire leading to the light socket a single strand or is it a double strand . If it is single that would lead me to beleive that the bulb should be a single filament bulb . Not a double filament . If you take the bulb out of the socket you should be able to tell by looking into the socket which bulb will be needed , as the bases on the bulbs will be different . Thats about all I can think of .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantI do remember that option as we had a 66 when I was a teenager . My first thought would be to check for the ground as all the light sockets had just one wire , not 2 or 3 . Make sure the trim piece is grounded to the fender as the socket will ground to it . Did that light only come on with the turn signal ? Good Luck and it is hot in Minn. also .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantI am not sure what you are refering to when you say relays , but there are only a few things that can go wrong with the whole system . I own a 65 Parklane and have dealt with some of these issues in my 64 Monterey . The 65 service manual has this to say ;
TURN INDICATOR LIGHTS INOPERATIVE 1. Burned out bulbs , or loose sockets . 2 . Burned out fuse . 3 . Loose or broken wire from ignition switch to flasher . 4. Defective flasher . 5 . Loose or broken wire from flasher to turn idicator switch . 6 . Defective turn indicator switch . 7 . Broken or shorted , or loose wires from switch to lights .
If any of these are your problem , you should be able to find parts at http://www.macsautoparts.com or google Dennis CarpenterAuto Parts . And remember these are not Mercury only parts . They are shared with Ford and Lincoln , which makes the hunt much easier . Sorry about the delay in an answer , but I was out of town for the holiday weekend .
If you need more help do not be affraid to ask .
Wayne & Judy MillerParticipantDoes it have AC or any other options that may effect the belt routing ? I have a full repair manual handy and have actually done this job before at a show , with some help . If you want leave your number in an email to me and I can call you with some help . mrmerc1965@aol.com